4000 Korean Words Part 2 ( 101 to 200 words) Learn Korean Language in Urdu. Korean Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Sr#      Words       Meanings

101 바로اچھی طرح
102 어느کونسا
103 그래서اس لیے
104 무엇کیا
105 정부گورنمیٹ
106 모든سب
107 번نمبر
108 그거وہ چیز
109 돈پیسے
110 국가قوم
111 그런데لیکن
112 날دن
113 여기یہاں
114 모두سب
115 여성عورت
116 친구دوست
117 마음دل
118 후بعدمیں
119 놓다ڈالنا
120 관계تعلق
121 아버지والد
122 남자مرد
123 어디کہاں
124 몸جسم
125 얼굴چہرہ
126 왜کیوں
127 나타나다پیدا ہونا
128 지역ایریا، علاقہ
129 다르다مختلف
130 모습بناوٹ
131 물پانی
132 만나다ملنا
133 내다دینا(پیسے)
134 보이다دکھانا
135 쓰다لکھنا
136 이것یہ چیز
137 이번اس دفعہ
138 길سڑک
139 생활زندگی
140 사이درمیان
141 방법طریقہ کار
142 새롭다نیا
143 앉다بیٹھنا
144 처음پہلی بار
145 손ہاتھ
146 몇کتنے،کچھ
147 그때تب،اس وقت
148 과정کورس
149 삶زندگی
150 찾다ڈھونڈنا
151 특히سپیشل
152 시ٹامٴ
153 이상زیادہ
154 지금ابھی
155 나가다باہر جانا
156 이야기باتیں، گفتگو
157 교육تعلیم
158 사다خریدنا
159 경제معیشت
160 아직ابھی
161 잡다پکڑنا
162 같이اکٹھے
163 선생님ٹیچر
164 예술آرٹ
165 서다کھڑا ہونا
166 못نہ کرسکنا
167 역사تاریخ
168 읽다پڑھنا
169 결과نتیجہ
170 내용کونٹیٹ،مواد
171 물론of course
172 책کتاب
173 일어나다اٹھنا(سوکر)
174 당신تم
175 시장مارکیٹ
176 중요하다امپورٹنٹ،خاص
177 무슨کونسا
178 느끼다جزبات
179 어렵다مشکل
180 힘طاقت
181 너무بہت
182 나라ملک
183 부르다بلانا
184 의미مطلب
185 자리جگہ،سیٹ
186 죽다مرنا
187 이미پہلےسے
188 쪽طرف
189 정치سیاست
190 국민قوم
191 생명زندگی
192 얘기باتیں، گفتگو
193 학생سٹوڈنٹ
194 연구ریسرچ
195 엄마ماں
196 이름نام
197 내리다اترنا
198 사건حادثہ
199 쉽다آسان
200 짓다تعمیر کرنا

4000 Korean Words Part 2 ( 101 to 200 words) Learn Korean Language in Urdu. Korean Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Welcome to my Korean Pen Blog . I used English Korean both languages for better Korean Study . Korean Language is easy to learn if Korean and English both are used in a blog post. Preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test and other Korean test or Korean Course , My Posts will help you. you can Start Korean Writing for better Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Remembering Korean Characters & Korean Text you will become perfect in Korean language and also you can understand South Korean Culture I Think using English Korean both languages are helpful for fast Korean Study . Start Learning Korean Language become easy if Korean and English both are used in blog posts . If you are preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or Korean Course , My blog posts will help you. You will become good in Korean Writing which is good start for Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Memorising Korean Characters & Korean Text , you can become perfect in Korean language and in the other way you can also understand South Korean Culture I tried my best after using English Korean both languages in my posts for easy Korean Study . If Korean and English both are used in blog posts . People can easily understand . If you are planning to prepare EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or other Korean Course , My posts will give you some help . You can also become excellent in Korean Writing if you start Korean Study with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Understanding Korean Characters & Korean Text , you will become good in Korean language and in future you can understand South Korean Culture

Ahmad Niaz 03336523398

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