4000 Korean Words Part 1 ( 1 to 100 words) Learn Korean Language in Urdu. Korean Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

2 하다کرنا
3 있다موجود ہے
4 나میں
5 없다موجود نہیں
6 않다نہیں
7 사람آدمی
8 우리ہم
9 그وہ
10 아니다نہیں
11 보다دیکھنا
12 거وہ
13 같다ایک جیسا
14 주다دینا
15 가다جانا
16 년سال
17 한ایک
18 말بات
19 일کام
20 이یہ
21 말하다بات کرنا
22 그러나پھر بھی
23 오다آنا
24 알다جاننا
25 씨مسٹر ،صاحب
26 그렇다ٹھیک ہے
27 크다بڑا
28 일دن
29 사회تہزیب و ثقافت
30 많다زیادہ
31 안نہیں
32 좋다اچھا
33 더اور زیادہ
34 받다وصول کرنا
35 그것وہ چیز
36 집گھر
37 나오다نکل آنا
38 그리고تو پھر، لیکن
39 문제مسلا، سوال
40 그런جیسا کہ
41 살다رہنا
42 저وہ
43 못하다نہیں ہو سکتا
44 생각하다سوچنا
45 모르다نہ جاننا
46 만들다بنانا
47 앞سامنے
48 경우وجہ
49 중درمیان
50 어떤کیسا
51 잘بہتر
52 그녀یہ( لڑکی)
53 먹다کھانا
54 자신خود
55 문화کلچر
56 원کورین کرنسی
57 생각سوچ
58 명(انسان )گنتی کے لیے
59 그러다اور پھر
60 소리آواز
61 다시دوبارہ
62 다른مختلف
63 이런ایسے
64 여자عورت
65 개( چیزوں )گنتی کے لیے
66 정도تقریبا
67 다سب
68 좀زرا
69 싶다چاہنا
70 보이다دیکھنا
71 가지다ساتھ لے کر
72 함께اکٹھے
73 아이بچہ
74 지나다گزرنا
75 많이زیادہ
76 시간ٹامٴ
77 너تم
78 사실سچایٴ
79 나다پیداشٴ
80 이렇다اس طرح
81 어머니ماں
82 눈آنکھیں
83 뭐کیا
84 점سٹور
85 다음اگلا
86 이러하다اس طرح کرنا ہے
87 누구کون
88 곳جگہ
89 여러کیٴ اقسام
90 안اندر
91 하나ایک
92 세계دنیا
93 위اوپر
94 운동ورزش
95 학교سکول
96 자기خود
97 가장سب سے(زیادہ یا کم)
98 대통령صدر
99 가지قسم
100 시작하다شروع کرنا

4000 Korean Words Part 1 ( 1 to 100 words) Korean vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Welcome to my Korean Pen Blog . I used English Korean both languages for better Korean Study . Korean Language is easy to learn if Korean and English both are used in a blog post. Preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test and other Korean test or Korean Course , My Posts will help you. you can Start Korean Writing for better Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Remembering Korean Characters & Korean Text you will become perfect in Korean language and also you can understand South Korean Culture I Think using English Korean both languages are helpful for fast Korean Study . Start Learning Korean Language become easy if Korean and English both are used in blog posts . If you are preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or Korean Course , My blog posts will help you. You will become good in Korean Writing which is good start for Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Memorising Korean Characters & Korean Text , you can become perfect in Korean language and in the other way you can also understand South Korean Culture I tried my best after using English Korean both languages in my posts for easy Korean Study . If Korean and English both are used in blog posts . People can easily understand . If you are planning to prepare EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or other Korean Course , My posts will give you some help . You can also become excellent in Korean Writing if you start Korean Study with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Understanding Korean Characters & Korean Text , you will become good in Korean language and in future you can understand South Korean Culture

Ahmad Niaz 03336523398

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