Sr # Word Opposite
26 | dry | wet |
건조한 | 젖은 | |
27 | cheap | expensive |
싼 | 비싼 | |
28 | sick | healthy |
아픈 | 건강한 | |
29 | safe | dangerous |
안전한 | 위험한 | |
30 | strange | normal |
이상한 | 정상 | |
31 | dark | bright |
어두운 | 밝은 | |
32 | light | heavy |
가벼운 | 무거운 | |
33 | front | back |
앞 | 뒤 | |
34 | angry | calm |
화난 | 차분한 | |
35 | tight | loose |
꽈끼는 | 느슨한 | |
36 | beautiful | ugly |
예쁜,아름다운 | 추한 | |
37 | dead | alive |
죽은 | 살아있는 | |
38 | same | different |
똑같은 | 다른 | |
39 | east | west |
동쪽 | 서쪽 | |
40 | north | south |
복쪽 | 남쪽 | |
41 | black | white |
검은 | 하얀 | |
42 | all | no |
모든 | 없는 | |
43 | new | old |
새로우 | 사용한 | |
44 | wise | foolish |
현명한 | 바보같은 | |
45 | single | married |
미혼 | 결혼한 | |
46 | many | a few |
많은 | 적은 | |
47 | sunny, clear | cloudy |
맑은 | 구름 낀 | |
48 | fun | boring |
재미있는 | 지루한 | |
49 | Delicious | Bad Taste |
맛있는 | 맛없는 | |
50 | morning | evening |
아침 | 저녁 |
Korean Word Opposite Part-2 | Learn Korean Language in Urdu & Hindi | 반대말
Welcome to my Korean Pen Blog . I used English Korean both languages for better Korean Study . Korean Language is easy to learn if Korean and English both are used in a blog post. Preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test and other Korean test or Korean Course , My Posts will help you. you can Start Korean Writing for better Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Remembering Korean Characters & Korean Text you will become perfect in Korean language and also you can understand South Korean Culture
I Think using English Korean both languages are helpful for fast Korean Study . Start Learning Korean Language become easy if Korean and English both are used in blog posts . If you are preparing EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or Korean Course , My blog posts will help you. You will become good in Korean Writing which is good start for Korean Study starting with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Memorising Korean Characters & Korean Text , you can become perfect in Korean language and in the other way you can also understand South Korean Culture
I tried my best after using English Korean both languages in my posts for easy Korean Study . If Korean and English both are used in blog posts . People can easily understand . If you are planning to prepare EPS TOPIK , TOPIK Test , Korean test or other Korean Course , My posts will give you some help . You can also become excellent in Korean Writing if you start Korean Study with Korean alphabet and Korean Letters . Understanding Korean Characters & Korean Text , you will become good in Korean language and in future you can understand South Korean Culture
Korean Word Opposite